Credit Matters Search - Help


Credit Matters Search

Credit Matters Search provides quick and easy access to information featured on the Credit Matters site, as well as the following useful search features.

  • Enter a search phrase to find pages on Credit Matters relevant to your interests.
  • Enter keywords to go direct to a section of the Credit Matters site.
  • Quick access to Google, Yahoo and Bing using a single letter, and optionally, type a space followed by what you'd like to search for.
  • Quick access to the Australian Business Names register and the preferred Australian English spelling dictionary.

Credit Matters Search

Credit Matters is an umbrella site providing quick access to Financial Risk Management and related services providers. To easily find a business providing the service you are interested in use Credit Matters Search.

Single letter access to the main search engines

You can now quickly decide which search engine you want to use. Since all search engine companies track your information and that may reveal more than you want about your business and activities, switching between search engines means each company only sees a much smaller picture of what you are doing.

You can enter any of the following letters and go direct to the search engine, or enter the letter, a space and then what you want to search for, and your search will be passed across to the search engine for you.

G - Google

B - Bing

Y - Yahoo

Keywords for quick site access

The following keywords can be entered into the Credit Matters Search and when you press Search, you will quickly go to the appropriate page on the site.

CM or Credit Matters
Better Business Club
Accounts Receivable
Debt Collectors
Debt Collection
Associates Blog

Type in the word (it doesn't matter whether you type upper case or lower case) and you'll go direct to the appropriate page on the site.

For example, if you type in CM or Credit Matters, you'll go directly to the main page of the Credit Matters site.

Quick keyword access to other sites

The following keywords take you to sites suggested by Credit Matters.


Quick keyword access to handy online services

Australian Business Names Register

Looking up businesses on the Australian Business Names Register is a task we all often do. To make it easier you can now do the following.

Type ABN to go direct to the Australian Business Names register site.
Type ABNNAME, a space and then the business name for a business name search.
Type ABNNUMBER, a space then the ABN for a business to check the business name entry.


Every day we find spelling errors in our material and the material of others. Poor spelling can make us look unprofessional. With the influence of the American English spelling it is sometimes hard to determine if we are using a correct spelling, the preferred Australian English spelling, or the spelling used by another country. To check if you're using the preferred Australian English spelling for a word do the following.

Type w, a space and then the word which interests you.

You'll then see whether or not you're using the preferred Australian English spelling and you can then check the meaning of the word if required.

IP Address

Type IP Address to go to a site to check information regarding an IP address. You can also find out your current IP address.

Bookmark Credit Matters Search on your desktop or mobile device

You can easily bookmark Credit Matters Search on your desktop computer or mobile device. Use the desktop version of Credit Matters Search on your desktop computer, notebook or larger tablet, and use the mobile version on your mobile phone. On a mobile phone you can add Credit Matters Search on your Home screen making it very convenient to access Credit Matters Search.

For example, on an iPhone visit Credit Matters Search Mobile, display the option bar at the bottom of the screen, select the forward icon, then click on Add to Home Screen and Credit Matters Search is now available on your Apple iPhone.

Add Credit Matters Search as search engine

You can add Credit Matters search as an additional search engine in your browser, or you may even choose to make Credit Matters Search your default search engine. The beauty of making Credit Matters Search your default engine is you now have quick single letter access to the three major search engines as well as businesses promoted on Credit Matters.

Internet Explorer

In Internet Explorer all you need to do is to click on the Add Search to Internet Explorer link, select Make Default (if you wish to have Credit Matters search as the default) and click OK and Credit Matters Search becomes your default search engine or additional search engine. Now you can enter searches and keywords direct into the address field in Internet Explorer.

Google Chrome

In Google Chrome the Add Search to Chrome link adds the search engine as an option, but you will need to go into the settings and make the search engine the default search engine.

 Go into Settings, Manage search engines and select Credit Matters Search as the default. Hover your mouse over the Credit Matters Search entry and click the Make default button.


 For Firefox select  Add Search to Firefox and Credit Matters Search becomes the default search using the search field in Firefox. If you want to add Credit Matters Search to the address area as well, you'll need to do this manually.

In the address area enter about:config
Click I'll be careful, I promise
In Search type keyword.URL
Double click on keyword.URL
Click OK
Close the tab

Now you can enter your search criteria or keyword into the address area of Firefox.

Other browsers

Some browsers such as tablets and mobile phones don't have the ability to change the search engine. For some devices you can make Credit Matters Search your home page, but if you can't do that, then setting up a button on your home screen to the page is often the easiest approach. It is also quick because all you need to do is press the home button and then select the icon and you'll go direct to the Credit Matters Search page. Ideally however, it would be good to simply have the feature as part of the browser as you can on Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox.

For browsers where you can manually enter the search engine (such as the older version of Opera) you use the address as shown for Firefox and then often you'll need to enter something list %s after the equal sign.

Set Credit Matters Search as your home page

It is often a good idea to set your home page to a page of your choice. Over time many people have their browser's home page and search engine hijacked. By setting your search engine and home page to known sites you are now in control and not the business which hijacked your browser. This also provides a good signal to let you know if your browser gets hijacked. If at any point your home page and search engine changes you know you've had your browser hijacked.


Please be aware that any search criteria you enter into any search engine is recorded somewhere. Nothing is private online. In terms of the data entered into Credit Matters Search what you enter will be treated with respect and appropriately confidentiality. No personally identifiable information is recorded. The IP address, date, time and search terms are logged to assist in improving Credit Matters Search and services provided.

Developed for Credit Matters. Copyright Online Connections ©  2013-2017.