Search Google Customise


Advanced Search enables you to enter your own keywords but be careful, entering them incorrectly could result in Advance Search no longer working.

You need to enter keywords with a keyword, followed by a comma, followed by a space and then the website address. One entry/keyword per line. Don't worry of the line wraps around. The space isn't required but it does make reading your keyword list a little easier.

Your keywords can have spaces such as "IP ADDRESS". If possible though, only use one word and usually if you make it as short as possible, it will be faster for you to enter. It doesn't matter if you use upper case, lower case, or mixed case for your keywords, but the website address may require you to enter the case correctly.

Click Save to save any changes you've made to your keyword list. This does not close the screen.

Click Clear to delete all keywords. Are you really sure you want to do this? There is no need to save after performing a clear.

Click Close to close the Customise screen. Note this does not save anything. If you've made changes make sure you save first.

Email Custom List
After saving changes to your custom list, you can use the link Email Custom List to email yourself a copy of the custom list. This is handy when using multiple browsers on multiple devices. Just email a copy of the custom list to yourself and copy and paste the list into the other browsers.


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